P.O. Box 183
Sistersville, WV 26175
(304) 652-1010
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We use Patented Kuranda Dog Beds because they are durable, chew proof and easy to clean.  If you would like to donate a bed to us, click here.
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Last Updated:
2/27/2025 2:45 PM

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Olive Branch Nancy Dabbs Animal Birth Control (ABC) Program -- Monday April 15th, 2024

In honor of our beloved board member, Nancy Dabbs, we have dedicated our Animal Birth Control Program to her memory. We have combined our Trap Neuter Return (TNR) and our Family Assistance Program (FAP) into one program: The Olive Branch Animal Rescue and Refuge Nancy Dabbs ABC Program. This program is made possible through the donations and support of our community members. The Family Assistance Program or FAP is a program to assist the citizens of Tyler County and the surrounding areas with the spaying and/or neutering of their pets. We will help defray the cost of the spaying or neutering for qualifying applicants. Approved applicants will pay $20.00 per cat and $30.00 per dog, with the FAP Program covering the remaining cost. Our mission is to ensure pet owner have their pet spayed or neutered. Applications may be picked up at The Olive Branch and Friends Shop, 715 Wells St. Sistersville, Tuesday through Saturday, between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm. You may also find a prontable version of the application in the menu bar on the left side of the website.

Sistersville Treasurers, LLC -- Thursday January 25th, 2024

Nestled within the Olive Branch and Friends Shop is Sistersville Treasures. This unique gift shop helps support the overhead of running the shop and donates 10% of the proceeds to the Olive Branch Animal Rescue. Hours are 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

The Olive Branch and Friends Shop -- Thursday January 25th, 2024

The Olive Branch and Friends Shop is located at 715 Wells Street in Sistersville. The shop is a pet supply center specializing in flea and tick preventive, grooming needs, leashes, collars, toys , and a variety of other pet accessories. We now have CBD products for you and your pets. Store hours are: Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 PM to 4:00 PM . What a great way to buy gifts and help animals! Visit our website just click on Online Store located in the Pages of Interest.