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1/20/2025 3:31 PM


                                                   Tri-County Pot-bellied Pig Club News

The mission of the Tri-County Pot-Bellied Pig Club is to protect, promote, and educate pet pig owners and the public about pot-bellied pigs. We strive to attain this mission by attending and participating in local events. We support sanctuaries and individuals who need help with health concerns as well as behavioral and logistical needs. 

Changing Temperature and Your Pet Pig

Here we go into the blahs of cold weather once again.  It is a time for fluctuating temperatures that go from one extreme to another, and that is not good news for the precious porkers that live us.

Our porcine friends do not like change in anything and the weather is no exceptions.  Pigs are prone to respiratory problems and drastic change in temperatures can cause them even more problems.  How much to too much for a pigs?  It depends on the pigs.  Even house pigs have a problem somtimes going from the heated house to the outdoors fro potty time.

Don't leave your house pets out for any extended length of time to do their business when there has been a sudden change and we bed outside pigs very well when the forecst calls for a sharp change.  This time of year people should make sure that they have some kind of antibiotic on hand for those weekends and late nights when a vet may not be available.  A few hours can make a world of difference.  Watch for any change in pigs eating habits.  These guys and gals are not like dogs and cats that may just have an off day over food.  When a pig does not east with gusto, that pig is beginning to have a problem.  When a pig does not eat at all the pig has a serious problem.  NEVER ignore that fact that a pig turned down a meal!  If this should happen, then take his temperature.  As a rule a pig with respiratory problems will run a fever.

So call your vet and explain that your pig is not eating and has a temperature and tell the vet that you know these guys are prone to respiratory problems.  ASK for an antibiotic.  If it is at a time when you cannot get your vet then use what you have hopefully gotten from him to keep on hand for emergency situations.    We keep 500 mg of Ampicillin for emergency situations.  If you catch it before it gets to bad the pig will usually take a favorite treat.

So as the seasons change get prepared and keep an eye on the sky and other on your piggy friend.

This article was written by a very dear friend and pig lover Phyllis Battoe.
United Pet Pig Registry Newsletter September 2000.

 Phone Ann Daniels  570-292-4533
Anne Savage 610-369-1648
Email  oinkoinkdukebo@gmail.com or arnoldpig@juno.com